Worlds Largest Collection of Apple Memorabilia and Collectibles

There has been a resurgence in collecting Apple memorabilia and collectibles with so many vintage Apple Macintosh products to choose from on marketplaces like Etsy and eBay. Acquiring items for a collection of Apple Mac merchanside may be easy but it can also be an expensive pastime.
Worlds Largest Collection of Apple Branded Memorabilia and Collectibles

Who Owns the Largest Collection of Apple-Branded Memorabilia?

Tadataka Goh, a Japanese jazz bassist is likely to have the world’s biggest collection of Apple-branded memorabilia. Tadataka has been collecting Apple collectibles since around 1995 and has spent in excess of $100,000 on his collection.

Tadataka Goh owns the worlds largest collection of Apple-branded memorabilia.
The avid Japanese Apple-Mac collector who gets most of his collection from eBay and RedLightRunner has lost count of how many Apple-branded items he actually owns.
Apple Collectibles - Big Collection of Apple Logo Products
Tadataka has everything Mac from the first issue of the MacWorld magazine published in 1979 to an Apple-branded traffic cone. Hundred of different Apple-MacIntosh items make up his vast collection including pens, t-shirts, baseball caps, watches, kids toys, posters, and buttons.

Apple Macintosh Mug - Vintage Circas 1980's Collectible
Vintage Apple Mac Mug 1980's Collectible

His Apple mug collection has more than 350 mugs and coffee cups alone. He also reports that he owns about 400 items of Apple logo clothing.

Apple Logo Apparel -  Vintage TShirt circa 1980's - with Think Different slogan

For more information on collecting Apple memorabilia and for a gallery of the world's largest collection of apple knick-knacks try this article

Other Weird and Wacky Collections

World Record Largest Collection of Belly Button Fluff
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